the only thing i would add to this would be an understated chandelier (if there is such a thing). otherwise, this little room is completely enchanting....i can't get over it.
i will forever be a fan of color block and this coat just solidifies my attraction. this is exactly how i would pair it, too. it's such a solid piece for any ensemble. although it may not be entirely available at the moment; i will be on the look out for a new shipment of this furry find.
this editorial from the january 2011 issue of, cover magazine is perfectly titled. the "basic" wardrobe could easily be a staple for either gender. well, almost. but, the pieces could have definitely been seen on the street 20 years ago. after having stated that, i think the reason i am completely spellbound by this editorial is because of it's semi-timeless feel. not to mention; how snejena onopka is presented in an unrefined, yet alluring way.